3 minAN UPDATE ON STOMACH ULCERSThis is a short, straight to the point summary of what’s new out there, and what's agreed, on stomach ulcers.
3 minUNDERSTANDING EQUINE INFLUENZAFlu is an endemic disease in the UK, maintained by sporadic cases and by inapparent infection in susceptible horses introduced into...
3 minTYING UPTying up is similar to our cramps. It is a syndrome of muscle fatigue, pain and spasms associated with exercise. It has different causes.
3 minCOMPLICATIONS OF CASTRATIONSCastrations are the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the horse. Assuming most of them will receive a post-op course of...
2 min ATRIAL FIBRILLATIONAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm dysfunction in horses. It most frequently occurs in performance horses.